Headstock and Motor Upgrades for Taig Mills & Lathes AND for Sherline Mills & Lathes
NOTE: Prices will be going up substantially November 10th because of rising costs and changing to higher end suppliers. Currently we are about out 12 weeks out on filling orders for these.
Billet TaigTurn Lathe Headstock Adapter - This is much much more solid than the OEM Taig dovetail headstock adapter...it's one solid billet of aluminum. Places your GlockCNC headstock to OEM Taig headstock height.
This headstock adapter is for all GlockCNC ER and Jaw Chuck headstocks that use our heavy duty headstock casing. It is not for the 5C and or Sherline headstock casings. It works only with TaigTurn lathes.
This is our Temporary Website while we switch servers. Around August 11 our server went haywire for some reason. Anyway, the normal website should be up with 5 days days or so.
James Dimond
Mad Scientist & Engineer
Initially, we started building very specialized superchargers for performance applications. After buying some Sherline products, we pretty much found out that they are very much hobby grade products....but, had some potential. From there we built our own high-end headstocks, then motors and then did the same for Taig mills and lathes. Today we sell commercial grade equipment all over the world.
Contact Us: 269-743-1919