Headstock and Motor Upgrades for Taig Mills & Lathes AND for Sherline Mills & Lathes
NOTE: Prices will be going up substantially November 10th because of rising costs and changing to higher end suppliers. Currently we are about out 12 weeks out on filling orders for these.
Taig Mill & Mill To Lathe Adapter Plate for GlockCNC Heavy Duty Headstocks
If you answered "YES!" to any of those...then, you can now have your wish. You can now invest in a robust heavy duty 2 position adapter plate for your Taig mill. Plus, it's super easy to install. When used in combination with our GlockCNC Heavy Duty headstock upgrades, you now open up a whole new world of possibilities with your mill.
More MASS & Surface Contact - Your new adapter plates use a 1" Z axis carriage adapter plate made from a solid aluminum billet...plus, it uses all the Z axis carriage width...so, you now have FAR better vibrational energy handling than your old dovetail Taig system (it was kind of a weak spot for the Taigs). Anybody can see by looking, the use of a small dovetail system just won't transfer energy and hold rigidity like SOLID contact using a LARGER surface area. And that's exactly what you now have with your new adapter plates and headstock combo. This means you can get better & more accurate finishes. Plus, you may even find that you can have a higher material removal rate with all that new rigidity and energy dampening. If you want your headstock to set out a little further, then just add a block and longer socket head screws...it's that simple.
Two Height Positions - High & Low
Your new adapter plate allows for two height positions. Why? Because the R8 spindle will stick out a little further than the Taig OEM spindle. To make sure you have plenty of Z axis movement, you can mount it higher. If you want to add a bit more rigidity and your work piece isn't really high off the bed, then you can mount the headstock in the lower position.
Horizontal & Angle Milling
You can also purchase an optional Sherline Headstock mounting pin. This will allow you to rotate your new Heavy Duty Headstock for angular milling or horizontal milling.
YOUR MILL IS A LATHE? Just add a headstock to the bed!
We've also added a M40 threaded hole in the bottom corner of the plate. This will allow you to add an AXA lathe tool post! Now your can use your mill as a lathe...or even a CNC lathe if you have a CNC setup on your mill. This will require you to remove the headstock or rotate it if equipped with Sherline pin. Don't want to remove your headstock? You can also use the smaller quick change tool post available and mount it on the other corner (you will need to drill and tap for this). Of course this will require you to have a headstock to use as the lathe portion mounted to the mill bed to spin the part. The nice thing is, you can just use your R8 headstock as the lathe headstock! Use the collets or grab an R8 jaw chuck adapter. Or, better yet, grab one of our ER headstocks or MT3 with jaw chuck plate adapter built in.
Features -
This is our Temporary Website while we switch servers. Around August 11 our server went haywire for some reason. Anyway, the normal website should be up with 5 days days or so.
James Dimond
Mad Scientist & Engineer
Initially, we started building very specialized superchargers for performance applications. After buying some Sherline products, we pretty much found out that they are very much hobby grade products....but, had some potential. From there we built our own high-end headstocks, then motors and then did the same for Taig mills and lathes. Today we sell commercial grade equipment all over the world.
Contact Us: 269-743-1919